Safe, all natural, effective and super cheap weed killer!!! Have I lost my mind??? When I came across this recipe from a friend, I showed it to my husband. He said, "No way! I spend hundreds a year on weed killer, this won't work!" Of course I had to prove him wrong. I mixed up the following recipe and went on a killing spree! I took before and after pics, taken the same time of day 24 hours apart. Just to be sure it was the actual Young Living Thieves essential oil {contact me for ordering details} that was working, I also tested just vinegar and a vinegar/soap mix, both without the Thieves. Neither of them did anything to the weeds, except maybe clean them. At wholesale cost (feel free to contact me about wholesale pricing) for the Thieves Essential Oil, it cost 13.5 cents per drop. Vinegar is $2.38 at Walmart for a gallon. Total cost of weed killer per gallon is $3.70. You can't beat that price!
Not only can this awesome mixture kill weeds, but can also be used as a safe, kid friendly household cleaner! Kill the weeds, clean the house - all in one bottle! Kid and pet safe.
You will need:
- 1 teaspoon soap (I use Dr. Bronners Liquid Castile Soap
- feel free to use any liquid soap you have handy
- 5 drops Young Living Thieves essential oil
- Vinegar
Combine all ingredients in a large spray bottle. Or double the recipe to make one gallon.
Shake and spray on any weed or vegetation you'd like to kill. How simple can you get! This weed killer is totally safe for the kids, pets and the environment. It kills all vegetation, so only spray what you want gone!
Free Printable Downloads:
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8.5x11 inch Instructions to print and keep
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